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Works: 0 works in 11 publications in 1 languages
CEO高峰會 [DVD] = CEO exchange. 1; 1. 快樂的顧客和員工-成功的訣竅; Happy customers and employees-the recipe for success by: WTTW National Productions; 唐諾 ((Donald, Jim)); Nordstrom, Blake; 格林菲爾德 ((Greenfield, Jeff)); BusinessWeek; 諾斯壯 ((Nordstrom, Blake)); Donald, Jim; Greenfield, Jeff (Projected and video material) , [製作]
CEO創業學 by: 黃貝玲; BusinessWeek (Language materials, printed)
CEO高峰會 [DVD] = CEO exchange. 3; 3. 數位時代的多媒體; Multimedia in the digital age by: 麥格羅 ((McGraw, Harold W.)); Greenfield, Jeff; McGraw, Harold W.; 羅伯 ((Robert, Brian L.)); WTTW National Productions; Roberts, Brian L.; 格林菲爾德 ((Greenfield, Jeff)); BusinessWeek (Projected and video material) , [製作]
CEO高峰會 [DVD] = CEO exchange. 6; 6. 用科技替未來下個賭注; Staking a claim to the future-putting technology in good hands by: BusinessWeek; Liddy, Edward M.; 贊得 ((Zander, Edward J.)); WTTW National Productions; 里帝 ((Liddy, Edward M.)); Zander, Edward J.; 格林菲爾德 ((Greenfield, Jeff)); Greenfield, Jeff (Projected and video material) , [製作]
CEO高峰會 [DVD] = CEO exchange. 9; 9. 預支健康管理-這產業依然無恙嗎?; The prognosis for health care-is the industry alive and well? by: WTTW National Productions; Kleisterlee, Gerard; 格林菲爾德 ((Greenfield, Jeff)); BusinessWeek; Hassan, Fred; Greenfield, Jeff; 科慈雷 ((Kleisterlee, Gerard)); 哈森 ((Hassan, Fred)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
CEO高峰會 [DVD] = CEO exchange. 10; 10. 夢幻隊伍-讓天馬行空的想法進入大企業; The dream team-turning big ideas into multibillion dollar businesses by: 強生 ((Johnson, Robert L.)); BusinessWeek; 格林菲爾德 ((Greenfield, Jeff)); Marriott, J. Willard; Johnson, Robert L.; WTTW National Productions; 瑪里特 ((Marriott, J. Willard (John Willard))); Greenfield, Jeff (Projected and video material) , [製作]
CEO高峰會 [DVD] = CEO exchange. 4; 4. 玩具和遊戲-改變遊戲的方式; Toys and games-changing the way we play by: WTTW National Productions; 格林菲爾德 ((Greenfield, Jeff)); BusinessWeek; Eckert, Bob; 科提克 ((Kotick, Robert A. (Bobby))); 艾克特 ((Eckert, Bob)); Kotick, Robert A.; Greenfield, Jeff (Projected and video material) , [製作]
CEO高峰會 [DVD] = CEO exchange. 2; 2. 贏得比賽-艱困顛簸的運動企業; Winning the game-the rough-and-tumble business of sports by: Selig, Bud; 史騰 ((Stern, David J.)); Stern, David J.; 賽利格 ((Selig, Bud)); BusinessWeek; 格林菲爾德 ((Greenfield, Jeff)); WTTW National Productions; Greenfie, Jeff (Projected and video material) , [製作]
CEO高峰會 [DVD] = CEO exchange. 7; 7. 回到主流-21世紀的銀行和藥局; Down on main street-the bank and the drugstore in the 21st century by: Greenfield, Jeff; 雷恩 ((Ryan, Tom)); Ryan, Tom; Lewis, Ken; BusinessWeek; 李維斯 ((Lewis, Ken)); 格林菲爾德 ((Greenfield, Jeff)); WTTW National Productions (Projected and video material) , [製作]
CEO高峰會 [DVD] = CEO exchange. 8; 8. 這就是娛樂!-欣賞電視, 電影及音樂的新方式; That's entertainment!-new ways to enjoy tv, movies, and music by: Greenfield, Jeff; 莫里斯 ((Morris, Doug)); WTTW National Productions; 格林菲爾德 ((Greenfield, Jeff)); Morris, Doug; BusinessWeek; 萊特 ((Wright, Bob)); Wright, Bob (Projected and video material) , [製作]
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