Carayannis, Elias G.
Works: | 3 works in 12 publications in 1 languages |
Knowledge creation, diffusion, and use in innovation networks and knowledge clusters = a comparative systems approach across the United States, Europe, and Asia /
Carayannis, Elias G.; Campbell, David F. J., (1963-)
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge matters = technology, innovation and entrepreneurship in innovation networks and knowledge clusters /
Formica, Piero.; Carayannis, Elias G.
(Electronic resources)
Leading and managing creators, inventors, and innovators = the art, science, and craft of fostering creativity, triggering invention, and catalyzing innovation /
Chanaron, Jean-Jacques.; Carayannis, Elias G.
(Electronic resources)
Promoting balanced competitiveness strategies of firms in Developing Countries
SpringerLink (Online service); Developing countries; Carayannis, Elias G.; Wang, Vivienne.
(Electronic resources)
Cross-cultural knowledge management = fostering innovation and collaboration inside the multicultural enterprise /
Carayannis, Elias G.; SpringerLink (Online service); Della Peruta, Maria Rosaria.; Del Giudice, Manlio.
(Electronic resources)
Sustainable policy applications for social ecology and development
IGI Global.; Carayannis, Elias G.
(Electronic resources)
Mode 3 knowledge production in quadruple helix innovation systems = 21st-century democracy, innovation, and entrepreneurship for development /
SpringerLink (Online service); Campbell, David F.J.; Carayannis, Elias G.
(Electronic resources)
Innovation systems in small catching-up economies = new perspectives on practice and policy /
Carayannis, Elias G.; Roolaht, Tonu.; Varblane, Urmas.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge and the family business = the governance and management of family firms in the new knowledge economy /
SpringerLink (Online service); Del Giudice, Manlio.; Peruta, Maria Rosaria Della.; Carayannis, Elias G.
(Electronic resources)
Creating a sustainable social ecology using technology-driven solutions
IGI Global.; Carayannis, Elias G.
(Electronic resources)
Institutional learning and knowledge transfer across epistemic communities = new tools of global governance /
Carayannis, Elias G.; Popescu, Denisa.; SpringerLink (Online service); Pirzadeh, Ali.
(Electronic resources)
Knowledge perspectives of new product development = a comparative approach /
Assimakopoulos, Dimitris G.; Carayannis, Elias G.; SpringerLink (Online service); Dossani, Rafiq.
(Electronic resources)
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Technological innovations- Economic aspects- Europe.
Technological innovations- Economic aspects- European Union countries.
Information technology- Economic aspects.
Technological innovations- Economic aspects- United States.
Knowledge management- Asia.
R & D/Technology Policy.
Product design.
Sustainable development.
Technological innovations- Economic aspects.
Management/Business for Professionals.
Economics/Management Science.
Technological innovations- Government policy- European Union countries.
Competition- Developing countries.
Knowledge management- Europe.
Knowledge management- United States.
Economics/Management Science, general.
Technological innovations- Economic aspects- Asia.
Economic Policy.
Developing countries- Literatures
Economic Growth.
International business enterprises
International organization.
Development Economics.
Technological innovations- Developing countries.
Technological innovations- Environmental aspects.
Technology transfer.
New products- Management.
Social ecology.
Knowledge management.
Creative ability in business- Management.
Family-owned business enterprises- Management.
Business/Management Science, general.
Innovation/Technology Management.
Technological innovations- Management.
Economic development.