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Zannone, Nicola.

Works: 1 works in 3 publications in 1 languages
Engineering secure software and systems = third International symposium, ESSoS 2011, Madrid, Spain, February 9-10, 2011 : proceedings / by: Wieringa, Roel.; Erlingsson, Ulfar.; Zannone, Nicola.; Congress on Progress and Controversies in Oncological Urology (2000:); SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Engineering secure software and systems = second international symposium, ESSoS 2010, Pisa, Italy, February 3-4, 2010 : proceedings / by: Massacci, Fabio.; Wallach, Dan.; SpringerLink (Online service); Zannone, Nicola. (Electronic resources)
Engineering secure software and systems = First international symposium, ESSoS 2009, Leuven, Belgium, February 4-6, 2009, proceedings / by: Zannone, Nicola.; Redwine, Samuel T.; SpringerLink (Online service); Congress on Progress and Controversies in Oncological Urology (2000:); Massacci, Fabio. (Electronic resources)
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