• 完全生酮一看就懂圖文指南 = 沒有壓力的酮體生活,成功引導超過500萬人進入生酮飲食! /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: 完全生酮一看就懂圖文指南/ 黎安妮.福格爾(Leanne Vogel)著 ; 游懿萱譯
    Reminder of title: 沒有壓力的酮體生活,成功引導超過500萬人進入生酮飲食! /
    remainder title: The complete guide to a high-fat diet : with more than 125 delectable recipes and 5 mealplans to shed weight, heal your body & regain confidence
    Author: 福格爾
    other author: Vogel, Leanne.
    Published: 臺北市 :柿子文化, : 2018,
    Description: 392面 :彩圖, 彩像 :
    Notes: 譯自: The keto diet : the complete guide to a high-fat diet : with more than 125 delectable recipes and 5 mealplans to shed weight, heal your body & regain confidence
    Subject: 食譜 -
    Online resource: udn讀書館
    ISBN: 9789869629263
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