

CPR 2006心肺復甦術與嬰幼兒CPR[DVD]
蒙哥馬利 ((Montgomery, William H.))

by: 蒙哥馬利 ((Montgomery, William H.))
客戶服務[DVD] = Customer service
伯藍 ((Boland, Michael))

by: 伯藍 ((Boland, Michael))
職場協商[DVD] = Negotiation in the workplace
史萬 ((Swann, David))

職場溝通的性質[DVD] = The nature of workpla...
史萬 ((Swann, David))

職場的書寫技巧[DVD] = Writing in the workplace
史萬 ((Swann, David))

衝突管理[DVD] = Conflict management
Boland, Michael.

癲癇症(羊癲瘋) [DVD] = Future of epilepsy
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
後疱疹神經痛 [DVD] = PHN
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
MDS與白血病 [DVD] = MDS/Leukemia
Information Television Network

by: Information Television Network
病患安全新觀念 [DVD] = Patient safety
Krichmar, Perry

原發性免疫不全症 [DVD] = PI(Primary Immunode...
Information Television Network

關節炎 [DVD] = Arthritis
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
青光眼 [DVD] = Glaucoma
Krichmar, Perry

by: Krichmar, Perry
糖尿病與截肢 [DVD] = Diabetic foot infections
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
癌症治療的臨床試驗 [DVD] = Curing cancer
Information Television Network

by: Information Television Network
癌症病患與貧血症 [DVD] = Cancer patients and...
Krichmar, Perry

腎臟疾病 [DVD] = Kidney disease
Krichmar, Perry

脊椎椎間盤退化症 [DVD] = Spinal degeneration...
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

睡眠失調症 [DVD] = Sleep disorder
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
深層靜脈血栓 [DVD] = DVT(deep vein thrombosis)
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
慢性病照護 [DVD] = Chronic care
Krichmar, Perry

心律不整 [DVD] = Heart rhythms-arrhythmia
Information Television Network

by: Information Television Network
老年健康需知 [DVD] = Healthy aging
Information Television Network

by: Information Television Network
結腸癌 [DVD] = Colon cancer
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
心絞痛 [DVD] = Angina
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
帕金森氏症 [DVD] = Parkinson's disease
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
偏頭痛 [DVD] = Migraines
Krichmar, Perry

by: Krichmar, Perry
心房纖維顫動 [DVD] = Atrial fibrillation
Information Television Network

by: Information Television Network
眼睛黃斑病變 [DVD] = Macular degeneration
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
褥瘡和癒合不易的創傷 [DVD] = Pressure ulcers
Information Television Network

認識膽固醇 [DVD] = Cholesterol
Krichmar, Perry

疝氣的治療 [DVD] = Hernia
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
肝炎(B & C)新希望 [DVD] = New hope for he...
Information Television Network

器官移植 [DVD] = Organ transplant
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
戰勝粉刺, 青春痘 [DVD] = Overcoming acne
Information Television Network

by: Information Television Network
化療革命性的突破 [DVD] = Revolutionizing chemo
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

失眠症 [DVD] = Insomnia
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
低鈉血症 [DVD] = Hyponatremia
Information Television Network

by: Information Television Network
慢性疼痛 [DVD] = Chronic pain
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
牙周病和口腔衛生 [DVD] = Dental health
Information Television Network

by: Information Television Network
骨關節炎 [DVD] = Osteoarthritis
Krichmar, Perry

下背痛 [DVD] = Low back pain
Information Television Network

by: Information Television Network
慢性阻塞性肺病 [DVD] = COPD : the struggle ...
Krichmar, Perry

腎臟癌 [DVD] = Kidney cancer : the sile...
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

氣喘病 [DVD] = Asthma : catching your b...
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
間質性膀胱炎 [DVD] = Bladder disorder
Pagan, Carlos

肺纖維化疾病 [DVD] = Lung disease
Pagan, Carlos

癌症標靶治療 [DVD] = Targeted cancer therapy
Pagan, Carlos

抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌 [DVD] = Super staff
斐根 ((Pagan, Carlos))

僵直性脊椎炎 [DVD] = Spinal disease
Pagan, Carlos

非類固醇消炎藥 [DVD] = NSAID options
斐根 ((Pagan, Carlos))

阿茲海默症 [DVD] = Living with Alzheimer's
斐根 ((Pagan, Carlos))

克服不孕症 [DVD] = Overcoming infertility
Pagan, Carlos

肺動脈高血壓 [DVD] = Identifying pulmonary...
Information Television Network

腹主動脈瘤 [DVD] = AAA : smoking beware
斐根 ((Pagan, Carlos))

發炎性腸道疾病 [DVD] = Inflammatory bowel d...
Information Television Network

憂鬱症 [DVD] = Diagnosing depression
Information Television Network

by: Information Television Network
癲癇症 [DVD] = Future of epilepsy
Pagan, Carlos

體重與心臟代謝異常 [DVD] = Weight and cardio ...
Pagan, Carlos

抗藥性肺炎 [DVD] = Drug-resistant pneumonia
Pagan, Carlos

預防「眼睛感染」 [DVD] = Preventing eye infe...
Pagan, Carlos

認識纖維肌痛症 [DVD] = Understanding fibrom...
斐根 ((Pagan, Carlos))

如何處理慢性疼痛 [DVD] = Managing chronic pain
Pagan, Carlos

預防流感和肺炎 [DVD] = Preventing flu and p...
斐根 ((Pagan, Carlos))

手術前每個人都應該知道的事 [DVD] = Surgery 101
Pagan, Carlos

認識類血友病 [DVD] = Von willebrand disease
Information Television Network

by: Information Television Network
臨終前預立照護計畫 [DVD] = Advance care planning
Pagan, Carlos

認識兒童「性早熟」 [DVD] = Precocious puberty
Pagan, Carlos

認識血友病 [DVD] = Understanding hemophilia
Pagan, Carlos

流感疫苗的真相 [DVD] = The truth about flu ...
斐根 ((Pagan, Carlos))

危險的胸主動脈瘤 [DVD] = Thoracic aneurysms
Information Television Network

殺死超級病菌的抗生素 [DVD] = Antibiotic resistance
Pagan, Carlos

甲一型抗胰蛋白酶缺乏症 [DVD] = Alpha-1 deficiency
Pagan, Carlos

如何治療失眠症 [DVD] = Treating insomnia
Pagan, Carlos

罕見的遺傳疾病 [DVD] = CAPS the mysterious ...
Pagan, Carlos

脊柱壓迫性骨折的新療法 [DVD] = Saving the spine
Information Television Network

日本腦炎 = Japanese encephalitis : 旅遊者的潛...
Pagan, Carlos

原發性血小板缺乏紫斑症 [DVD] = ITP : the hidden...
Pagan, Carlos

致命的血塊 = Deadly blood clots : 靜脈血栓栓塞症...
斐根 ((Pagan, Carlos))

第二型糖尿病的新療法 [DVD] = New treatments fo...
Pagan, Carlos

非何杰金氏淋巴瘤的新療法 [DVD] = Hope for the future
Pagan, Carlos

痛風 = What you should know about GOUT...
Pagan, Carlos

急救常識 [DVD] = First aid two : outdoor...
Seidel, Paul

護理實務技術訓練 [DVD] = Practical nurse skills

過動兒的探討 [VCD] = Attention deficit dis...

解開自閉症的奧秘 [DVD] = Autism : the unfold...
King, Winnie

第八個習慣 [DVD] = The 8th habit : 從成功到卓越...
柯維 ((Covey, Stephen R.))

超越正面思考 [DVD] = Going beyond positive...
考克斯 ((Coxe, Gary))

如何成為一個成功的推銷高手 [DVD] = How to not suc...
Better Life Media

在銷售, 管理, 動機和談判的競爭中取勝 [DVD] = Outsell...
Better Life Media

為自己,生活就輕鬆多了 [DVD] = Life would be ea...
Better Life Media

認識遺傳性血管水腫 [DVD] = Understanding here...
Pagan, Carlos

如何改善你的腸胃問題 [DVD] = Talking about you...
Information Television Network

認識神經內分泌腫瘤 [DVD] = Neuroendocrine tumors
Information Television Network

急救常識 [DVD] = First aid one : basic l...
布萊克姆 ((Blackmur, Amy))

認識六種形式的"兒童精神受虐" [DVD] = Understandin...
Autumn Tree Productions

下一步,做大事 [DVD] = Step into your greatness
布朗 ((Brown, Les))

職場女強人成功的要訣 [DVD] = What powerful wom...
Frankel, Lois

男女大不同 [DVD] = Going beyond Mars and ...
Better Life Media

掌握推銷的藝術 [DVD] = Mastering the art of...
Better Life Media

重新想像!如何在混亂的時代追求卓越 [DVD] = Re-imagine...
Peters, Tom

情緒管理 [DVD] = How full is your bucket...
雷斯 ((Rath, Tom))

怎樣才有卓越的生活 [DVD] = Living an exceptio...
Better Life Media

百萬富翁白手起家的祕訣 [DVD] = Secrets of self-...
Tracy, Brian

公司內危機事件處理 [VCD] = Decision exercises...

員工的績效管理 [VCD] = Performance management

by: 美國專業教育影片製作公司
溝通技巧的訓練 [VCD] = Exercises in communi...

主管領導技巧之訓練 [VCD] = Exercises in leade...

工作場所騷擾問題 [VCD] = Harassment in the w...

客戶服務的品質管理 [VCD] = Customer service w...

員工壓力管理 [VCD] = Stress management : a...

避免衝突的溝通技巧 [VCD] = Conflict communica...

接電話與接待應對 [DVD] = Telephone and reception
Appathurai, Karen

一般的辦公室技能 [DVD] = General office skills
Appathurai, Karen

辦公室的科技運用 [DVD] = Office technologies
唐恩 ((Dunn, Andrew))

辦公室職業安全衛生 [DVD] = Occupational healt...
唐恩 ((Dunn, Andrew))

辦公室的有效溝通 [DVD] = Don't hesitate, com...
Lundmark, Jane

企業中的有效溝通 [DVD] = Effective communica...
Davidson, Benjamin

企業的環境永續性 [DVD] = Environment sustain...
陶涵 ((Taylor, Suzi))

要事第一 [DVD] = First things first : 辦公...
Viscio, Rob

安全第一 [DVD] = Safety First : 辦公室的職業安全...
費斯奇歐 ((Viscio, Rob))

品牌為什麼如此重要? [DVD] = Understanding brands
Dunn, Andrew

小企業管理系列 [DVD] = Small business manag...
陶涵 ((Taylor, Suzi))

小企業管理系列 [DVD] = Small business manag...
伯藍 ((Boland, Michael))

如何強化團隊合作 [DVD] = Enhancing teamwork

身體訊號 [DVD] : 身體語言的力量
艾沙娜 ((Aashna))

瞭解顧客的愛與恨 [DVD] = What customers love...
Quarry, Peter

先推銷你自己 [DVD] = Selling yourself first
Quarry, Peter

如何展現衝擊力 [DVD] = Presenting wiht impact
夸里 ((Quarry, Peter))

克服異議 [DVD] = Overcoming objections
Quarry, Peter

如何結束推銷 [DVD] = Closing the sale
Quarry, Peter

把電話當朋友 [DVD] = The phone as a friend
Quarry, Peter

處理難纏的客戶和抱怨 [DVD] = Managing difficul...
Quarry, Peter

在銷售團隊中有建設性地工作 [DVD] = Working constr...
Quarry, Peter

營養與運動 [DVD] = Nutrition & exercise
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
旅遊保健需知 [DVD] = Travel medicine
Krichmar, Perry

乾癬(牛皮癬) [DVD] = Psoriasis
Information Television Network

by: Information Television Network
週邊動脈阻塞 [DVD] = Peripheral arterial d...
Krichmar, Perry

過敏與乾草(花粉)熱 [DVD] = Allergies & hay fever
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

肥胖症 [DVD] = Obesity
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
前列腺癌 [DVD] = Prostate cancer
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
以病人為中心的醫院 [DVD] = Going to the Hospital
Information Television Network

心臟病 [DVD] = Heart disease
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
糖尿病 [DVD] = Diabetes
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
潰傷與食道逆流 [DVD] = Ulcer/GERD
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
認識心智病與精神病 [DVD] = Understanding ment...
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

健康的眼睛 [DVD] = Healthy eyes
柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))

by: 柯里其瑪 ((Krichmar, Perry))
認識燥鬱症 [DVD] = Bi-polar disorder
Krichmar, Perry

白內障 [DVD] = Cataracts
Information Television Network

by: Information Television Network