third international conference on so...
third international conference on software, services and semantic technologies s3t 2011
software engineering and knowledge e...
software engineering and knowledge engineering: theory and practice
computers in medical activity
computers in medical activity
advances in intelligent systems
advances in intelligent systems
advances in bio-imaging
proceedings of the 2011 2nd internat...
proceedings of the 2011 2nd international congress on computer applications and computational science.
human-computer systems interaction
human-computer systems interaction
man-machine interactions 2
man-machine interactions 2
trends in practical applications of ...
trends in practical applications of agents and multiagent systems
internet - technical developments an...
internet - technical developments and applications 2
user-centric technologies and applic...
user-centric technologies and applications
fuzzy information and engineering 2010.
fuzzy information and engineering 2010.
proceedings of the international con...
proceedings of the international conference on soft computing for problem solving (socpros 2011) december 20-22, 2011.
information technologies in biomedicine.
information technologies in biomedicine.
fuzzy information and engineering.
fuzzy information and engineering.
belief functions
advances in computer science, intell...
advances in computer science, intelligent system and environment.
advanced information technology in e...
advanced information technology in education
proceedings of the 2011 2nd internat...
proceedings of the 2011 2nd international congress on computer applications and computational science.