control of single wheel robots
control of single wheel robots
nonlinear kalman filtering for force...
nonlinear kalman filtering for force-controlled robot tasks
incremental learning for motion pred...
incremental learning for motion prediction of pedestrians and vehicles
spatial representation and reasoning...
spatial representation and reasoning for robot mapping
multi-locomotion robotic systems
multi-locomotion robotic systems
3d-position tracking and control for...
3d-position tracking and control for all-terrain robots
robotics research
underwater slam for structured envir...
underwater slam for structured environments using an imaging sonar
darpa urban challenge
random finite sets for robot mapping...
random finite sets for robot mapping and slam
motion planning in medicine
motion planning in medicine
advances in human-robot interaction
advances in human-robot interaction
tree climbing robot
underactuated robotic hands
underactuated robotic hands
robot navigation from nature
robot navigation from nature
european robotics symposium 2008
european robotics symposium 2008
algorithmic foundation of robotics.
algorithmic foundation of robotics.
algorithmic foundations of robotics vi
algorithmic foundations of robotics vi
self-organizing robots
robotics research