computational intelligence for model...
computational intelligence for modelling and prediction
information hiding and applications
information hiding and applications
applications of computational intell...
applications of computational intelligence in biology
advances in semantic media adaptatio...
advances in semantic media adaptation and personalization
discrete-time high order neural control
discrete-time high order neural control
new advances in virtual humans
new advances in virtual humans
rational, robust, and secure negotia...
rational, robust, and secure negotiations in multi-agent systems
computational intelligence in flow s...
computational intelligence in flow shop and job shop scheduling
nature inspired cooperative strategi...
nature inspired cooperative strategies for optimization (nicso 2007)
intelligent systems in oil field dev...
intelligent systems in oil field development under uncertainty
geocomputation, sustainability and e...
geocomputation, sustainability and environmental planning
recent advances in evolutionary comp...
recent advances in evolutionary computation for combinatorial optimization
analog circuits and systems optimiza...
analog circuits and systems optimization based on evolutionary computation techniques
innovations in bayesian networks
innovations in bayesian networks
intelligent interactive systems in k...
intelligent interactive systems in knowledge-based environments
supervised sequence labelling with r...
supervised sequence labelling with recurrent neural networks
computational intelligence technique...
computational intelligence techniques for bioprocess modelling, supervision and control
iterative-interpolation super-resolu...
iterative-interpolation super-resolution image reconstruction
design and control of intelligent ro...
design and control of intelligent robotic systems
complex-valued neural networks
complex-valued neural networks