Springer Tracts in Modern Physics,


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頁數: [ 1 ] 2
mapping of parent hamiltonians
mapping of parent hamiltonians
evolution of silicon sensor technolo...
evolution of silicon sensor technology in particle physics
electromagnetic radiation of electro...
electromagnetic radiation of electrons in periodic structures
surface magnetism
surface magnetism
reconstruction of macroscopic maxwel...
reconstruction of macroscopic maxwell equations
ultraviolet and soft x-ray free-elec...
ultraviolet and soft x-ray free-electron lasers
introduction to the graphical theory...
introduction to the graphical theory of angular momentum
discrete nonlinear schrodinger equation
discrete nonlinear schrodinger equation
nmr probe of high-tc materials
nmr probe of high-tc materials
semiclassical approach to mesoscopic...
semiclassical approach to mesoscopic systems
anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
exotic nuclear excitations
exotic nuclear excitations
dispersion forces i
dispersion forces i
analytic tools for feynman integrals
analytic tools for feynman integrals
interstellar molecules
interstellar molecules
magnetic heterostructures
magnetic heterostructures
flavor physics and the tev scale
flavor physics and the tev scale
b-quark physics with the lep collider
b-quark physics with the lep collider
parametric x-ray radiation in crystals
parametric x-ray radiation in crystals