Springer monographs in mathematics,


[1 - 20] from 55 results found (0.65 sec)
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q-theory of finite semigroups
q-theory of finite semigroups
arithmetic of quadratic forms
arithmetic of quadratic forms
algebraic patching
algebraic patching
von karman evolution equations
von karman evolution equations
large time asymptotics for solutions...
large time asymptotics for solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations
convex polyhedra
convex polyhedra
foundations of incidence geometry
foundations of incidence geometry
ideals and reality
ideals and reality
introduction to the perturbation the...
introduction to the perturbation theory of hamiltonian systems
introduction to the mathematical the...
introduction to the mathematical theory of the navier-stokes equations
cellular automata and groups
cellular automata and groups
heat kernel and theta inversion on s...
heat kernel and theta inversion on sl2 (c)
hypergeometric orthogonal polynomial...
hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials and their q-analogues
fourier series in control theory
fourier series in control theory
valued fields
valued fields
nonlinear pdes
nonlinear pdes
eta products and theta series identities
eta products and theta series identities
microstructured materials
microstructured materials
theory of hypergeometric functions
theory of hypergeometric functions
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