partial differential equations.
partial differential equations.
bifurcation theory
interfacial convection in multilayer...
interfacial convection in multilayer systems
stability and wave motion in porous ...
stability and wave motion in porous media
applications of symmetry methods to ...
applications of symmetry methods to partial differential equations
normal forms, melnikov functions and...
normal forms, melnikov functions and bifurcations of limit cycles
prandtl-essentials of fluid mechanics
prandtl-essentials of fluid mechanics
front tracking for hyperbolic conser...
front tracking for hyperbolic conservation laws
semi-discretization for time-delay s...
semi-discretization for time-delay systems
least-squares finite element methods
least-squares finite element methods
dynamical systems and chaos
dynamical systems and chaos
bilinear control systems
nonlinear problems of elasticity
nonlinear problems of elasticity
partial differential equations.
partial differential equations.
nonlinear filtering and optimal phas...
nonlinear filtering and optimal phase tracking
geometry of minkowski spacetime
geometry of minkowski spacetime
piecewise-smooth dynamical systems
piecewise-smooth dynamical systems
partial differential equations.
partial differential equations.
theory and applications of stochasti...
theory and applications of stochastic processes
heat waves