computational intelligence technique...
computational intelligence techniques for new product design
software engineering research, manag...
software engineering research, management and applications 2011
human-computer interaction
human-computer interaction
programming with multiple precision
programming with multiple precision
handbook of memetic algorithms
handbook of memetic algorithms
new trends in agent-based complex au...
new trends in agent-based complex automated negotiations
computing statistics under interval ...
computing statistics under interval and fuzzy uncertainty
computational intelligence in multim...
computational intelligence in multimedia processing
service orientation in holonic and m...
service orientation in holonic and multi-agent manufacturing control
computer and information science 2012
computer and information science 2012
towards modern collaborative knowled...
towards modern collaborative knowledge sharing systems
parallel architectures and bioinspir...
parallel architectures and bioinspired algorithms
case-based reasoning on images and s...
case-based reasoning on images and signals
intelligent tools for building a sci...
intelligent tools for building a scientific information platform
soft computing techniques in vision ...
soft computing techniques in vision science
advances in intelligent modelling an...
advances in intelligent modelling and simulation
computational intelligence
computational intelligence
computational intelligence paradigms...
computational intelligence paradigms in advanced pattern classification
artificial intelligence techniques f...
artificial intelligence techniques for computer graphics
video analytics for business intelli...
video analytics for business intelligence