Software, environments, tools


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lapack users' guide
lapack users' guide
lanczos method
lanczos method
tutorial on elliptic pde solvers and...
tutorial on elliptic pde solvers and their parallelization
numerical linear algebra for high-pe...
numerical linear algebra for high-performance computers
lanczos and conjugate gradient algor...
lanczos and conjugate gradient algorithms
applications on advanced architectur...
applications on advanced architecture computers
templates for the solution of algebr...
templates for the solution of algebraic eigenvalue problems
accuracy and reliability in scientif...
accuracy and reliability in scientific computing
performance optimization of numerica...
performance optimization of numerically intensive codes
simulating, analyzing, and animating...
simulating, analyzing, and animating dynamical systems
scalapack user's guide
scalapack user's guide
science of computer benchmarking
science of computer benchmarking
arpack users' guide
arpack users' guide
spectral methods in matlab
spectral methods in matlab