Springer Texts in Statistics,


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modern introduction to probability a...
modern introduction to probability and statistics
statistical analysis of designed exp...
statistical analysis of designed experiments
first course in bayesian statistical...
first course in bayesian statistical methods
fundamentals of probability
fundamentals of probability
applied probability
applied probability
testing statistical hypotheses
testing statistical hypotheses
studying human populations
studying human populations
r and s-plus companion to multivaria...
r and s-plus companion to multivariate analysis
asymptotic theory of statistics and ...
asymptotic theory of statistics and probability
probability for statistics and machi...
probability for statistics and machine learning
modern approach to regression with r
modern approach to regression with r
probability: a graduate course
probability: a graduate course
statistics for bioengineering sciences
statistics for bioengineering sciences
plane answers to complex questions
plane answers to complex questions
modeling longitudinal data
modeling longitudinal data
intermediate course in probability
intermediate course in probability
large sample techniques for statistics
large sample techniques for statistics
essentials of stochastic processes
essentials of stochastic processes
introduction to modeling and analysi...
introduction to modeling and analysis of stochastic systems
modern multivariate statistical tech...
modern multivariate statistical techniques